Don’t need to waste your time to set up your user account with user name, password, your pet’s name, etc. on online pharmacy. We stock high-quality veterinary drugs in our in-house pharmacy that we buy directly from manufacturers distributor, so you can begin to treat your pets right away. It is our goal to make the process simple and easy so that your pet’s medication is never a hassle.
Successful treatment relies on laboratory services for the prompt diagnosis of patients. Our in-house laboratory is equipped to perform most of the very important tests, such as Blood Tests, CBC (Complete Blood Count), Fecal analysis, Urinalysis, Cytology tests, Skin scrapes, Heartworm testing, and many more. We also use commercial veterinary laboratories for specialized diagnostics and consultations.
Periodontal disease is also a source of pain, and if left untreated it can cause infection, possible tooth loss, and serious health problems for your pet. Our compassionate staff at Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital is experienced in delivering both routine preventative and advanced dental care. If you want your pet to live happy and healthy life, please don’t neglect their dental care and make sure that your pet will have clean and healthy mouth.
It’s a proven fact that vaccination has been one of the most effective tool against potentially life-threatening diseases prevention and well-being of your pets. Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital low cost vaccination clinic open every Wednesday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Grooming Services
Grooming is an important part of your pets well-being and a great way to keep them look and feel great. Regular grooming can help in early detection of skin infections and growths before they become a serious problem. At Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital, we can provide a variety of grooming services, such as bathing, blow drying, brushing, clipping nails, expressing anal glands, and more.
Veterinary diagnostics play the most important role in your pet’s health care. Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital uses the most current and modern diagnostic equipment to ensure timely and accurate diagnosis for your pet.
At Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital, it’s no such a thing as a routine surgery. We treat every single surgery, from spay and neuter to orthopedic procedures with the same medical protocols and safe anesthesia. We also use monitors that track blood pressure, heart rate, pulse, body temperature, and blood oxygen levels.
We understand that your pet hospitalization can be a stressful time for you and your pet, but in some circumstances appropriate therapy and diagnostic testing can be performed only when your is hospitalized. Here, at Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital we can assure that your pet will receive the best care possible, and his or her condition will be regularly monitored for vital signs, food and fluid intake, and for any changes in medical status.
In addition to our wide range of veterinary services and care, we also offer dermatology services for your dog or cat. Our veterinarian will determine the instigating cause of the skin problem, and with correct diagnosis and proper therapy it will produce comfort for your pet and all members of the family.
Laser Therapy
The Cutting Edge MLS Harmony Therapy Laser represents the most advanced Therapy laser on the market today. At Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital, we successfully use laser therapy for Anti-Inflammatory Applications, Pain Management, Deep Musculoskeletal Disorders, Degenerative Joint Disease, and Chondropathy (disease of the cartilage).
Spay & Neuter
Spaying helps to greatly reduce the risk of mammary gland tumors and ovarian and/or uterine cancer, while neuter decreases incidence of prostate disease, and risk of testicular cancer is completely eliminated. Spaying and neutering your pets you will give them better, longer, and healthier lives, and it’s also will reduce overpopulation of unwanted puppies and kittens.
In case your pet gets lost or stolen, eventually it will be taken to a veterinary hospital or animal shelter, where your pet will be scanned for a microchip to reveal his unique ID number. Micro-chipping has been proven the best method for reuniting pets with their lost owners.
Cahuenga Veterinary Hospital boarding is a climate-controlled facility with daily cleaning schedule and high-quality pet food, where your pets will be constantly under the care of a veterinarian supervised staff. We look forward to having your pet stay with us, and we will do all we can to make his/her stay as pleasant as possible!